Wednesday Hint 11/26/08
Germ warfare
This Wednesday’s hint is about taking care of yourself amid all of those patrons who are coughing and sniffling and telling you about how sick they are.
If a patron takes a card out of his mouth, or the baby’s mouth, and hands it to you, it is OK to ask him to lay it down on the counter, barcode up. If they are insulted, smile and say that you’re just trying to stay healthy.
It’s OK to point out to a mother that her child is licking the countertop. After that, it’s out of your hands.☺
There are antiseptic wipes on the back counter close to the cash register. Use them every now and then to wipe down your checkout area, your keyboard, the phone, etc.
There is a dispenser of antiseptic gel next to the lost and found area. Put some of that on your hands periodically while out on desk. And then wash your hands when you get off desk.
Take the time to do these things. You’re worth it.
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