Wednesday Hint 10/08/2008
Patron account messages and notes
Whenever there is a message or a note in a patron’s account, read it to yourself. Do not read it aloud to the patron. The messages and notes are meant just for you.
1. If the message is about a Claims Returned, check to see if the item is still on the patron’s card. If not, delete the message. If so, speak to the patron about it.
2. If the message pertains to a missing-parts-or-pieces issue, check to see if the item is still on the account. If not, delete the message. If so, get the case and explain things.
3. If the message tells you that the card is in the lost-card box, ask to see ID and then give back the card. Then delete the message and remove the Manual stop.
4. If the message pertains to anything involving Reference, please ask them to speak with someone in reference.
5. If the message tells you to get a supervisor, get one.
Messages are for staff to communicate things to other staff. They either require some action or should be deleted. Notes, on the other hand, are meant to stay on the record for future reference.
6. If you add a note or message to a patron’s account, please make sure that it makes sense to anyone at any library. Do not use abbreviations. Always end them with your initials, the date, and APL.
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