Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday Hint 10/15/2008

Millennium Shortcuts

F1 Circulation, checkout

F2 Checkin

F3 Search/Holds

F5 Last patron (must have accessed more than five patrons before this works)

F6 Circulation desk, checked out items

F7 Circulation desk, holds

Shift-F8 Circulation desk, fines

F9 Circulation desk, checkin

F11 Print/close (print box must be unchecked.)

F12 Close

ALT Q Close screen

CTRL S Save screen

CTRL P Print screen

Options with underlined letters: i.e. File ALT F

Options in box: Use TAB to move, SPACEBAR

Fines paid doesn’t display current payment: wait a few seconds, then click on Fines paid again

Locked record: must exit record, then F5 for last patron

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