Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday Hint 10/29/2008

Claims Returned

This is OWLSnet policy: Libraries may only use Lost or Claims Returned for their own items. If a library marks materials not owned by that library as Lost or Claims Returned, they may be responsible for reimbursing the owning library for the cost of the item. If a patron claims to have returned an item owned by another library, the patron or library staff should contact the owning library.

To make an APL item claims returned, use the patron’s list of checked out items, highlight the item, and click on Claims Returned. Then choose option number 3, which is to leave items checked out (send overdue notices) and change status to claims returned. (If you accidentally choose another option, leave a note for a supervisor so that it can be fixed.) You can make it Claims Returned if it isn’t due yet, if it’s overdue, or if it’s billed—this doesn’t matter.

Tell the patron that this process puts the title on a list for us to check the shelves. Then ask them to keep checking at home and in their car as well. We can’t notify them if it is found, primarily because if someone else finds and checks it out, it automatically comes off the card without a charge. They can check if the item is still on their account by using My Account in InfoSoup on the internet or at the circ desk when they come in.

It is best to use this process, because the title is put on a list for us to check, but if the patron wants to renew it, go ahead. Don’t do both a renewal and a claims returned. Renew it and leave a note for Janet (or Janet’s backup) to check the shelves. Or check the shelves yourself – be sure to check its normal collection, a related collection, in sorting, in our collection of things with missing parts, and on the damaged shelf.

Janet will put a note in the record after she checks the shelves. If you notice one of these notes, and then find that the item is no longer checked out on the card, please remove the note.

If there is a note, the item is still not found, and the patron wants us to check again, repeat the claims returned process on the same item. That will put it back on Janet’s list so that she can check for it again. Janet does go back and check through her lists of these titles, mostly to remove the notes if they are no longer relevant, but repeating the process will make her look for it again sooner.

If you are the one to find a claims returned on the shelf, check it in. Then make sure to waive the fines.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday Hint 10/15/2008

Millennium Shortcuts

F1 Circulation, checkout

F2 Checkin

F3 Search/Holds

F5 Last patron (must have accessed more than five patrons before this works)

F6 Circulation desk, checked out items

F7 Circulation desk, holds

Shift-F8 Circulation desk, fines

F9 Circulation desk, checkin

F11 Print/close (print box must be unchecked.)

F12 Close

ALT Q Close screen

CTRL S Save screen

CTRL P Print screen

Options with underlined letters: i.e. File ALT F

Options in box: Use TAB to move, SPACEBAR

Fines paid doesn’t display current payment: wait a few seconds, then click on Fines paid again

Locked record: must exit record, then F5 for last patron

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday Hint 10/08/2008

Patron account messages and notes

Whenever there is a message or a note in a patron’s account, read it to yourself. Do not read it aloud to the patron. The messages and notes are meant just for you.

1. If the message is about a Claims Returned, check to see if the item is still on the patron’s card. If not, delete the message. If so, speak to the patron about it.
2. If the message pertains to a missing-parts-or-pieces issue, check to see if the item is still on the account. If not, delete the message. If so, get the case and explain things.
3. If the message tells you that the card is in the lost-card box, ask to see ID and then give back the card. Then delete the message and remove the Manual stop.
4. If the message pertains to anything involving Reference, please ask them to speak with someone in reference.
5. If the message tells you to get a supervisor, get one.
Messages are for staff to communicate things to other staff. They either require some action or should be deleted. Notes, on the other hand, are meant to stay on the record for future reference.
6. If you add a note or message to a patron’s account, please make sure that it makes sense to anyone at any library. Do not use abbreviations. Always end them with your initials, the date, and APL.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday Hint 10/01/2008

Kathy Mitchell of CPL gave us this hint at the last AAC meeting.

When you check an item in or out that has a short loan message, Millennium gives you three options: yes, no, or Print this message.

We should always print the message. Put these messages up in the basket on Melody’s cart containing holds that need hold aliases. She will change the message fields in those records to No Message.

After printing the message, do what the message tells you: add a short loan sticker or take one off. Then select Yes to check it in or check it out and proceed as usual. Put the item wherever it should go next, not in a basket. This will make these items much easier to find!

If you find time to change the message yourself or find yourself helping out Melody, Gerri Moeller has done a screencast tutorial on how this is done. It can be found at It is listed under Instructions, then Short loan stickers.

The screencast is passworded; the login and password are the same as for any OWLSnet passworded site. If you don’t know this, click on the little gold lock at the end of that line, login with your library card number, and you will get the login and password.

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